YMG word tour

The Chartered Institute of Arbitrators’ Young Members Group (YMG) ADR World Tour: Arbitration and Mediation as a Global Force for Good

Historically, during times of social, political and economic unrest, agility, disruption and reinvention, are often led by a new generation, capable of shaking up the status quo and finding new ways of conducting “old” business. Look no further than the Chartered Institute of Arbitrators (CIArb) and affinity young practitioner “rockstars” who devote their time, skills, conscience, and efforts to instill arbitration and mediation as a global force for good.

Eleven international regional conferences launch January 19th, beginning in Asia, focused on:

  • ADR and access to justice
  • ADR as a means to strengthen the rule of law
  • ADR as an efficient alternative to traditional litigation

Join YMG’s programs! Register at https://ciarb.org/events/ciarb-ymg-world-tour/ Click on the dates in Red on the page to reach the registration pages.